The Dark Edge of the Rainbow, is a moving and at times, heart breaking account of an ordinary family, living through World War Two. From the eerie moment they find out they are at war to the telegrams they receive and their constant change of home.

Three children under ten and one brave mother are tested to the brink, but through all this, are constantly there for each other as they learn how to survive and find joy in the strangest places.

You will be glad you picked this book up.

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow is my debut novel.

Order your copy here // Read a sample chapter here

Illustrations from the book:

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

The Americans have arrived

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

Our place in East Prussia 1943

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

Brandenburg Gate before the war

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

We lived above the smithy

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

A Moroccan friend who lived in Grandfather’s house in Bavaria 1939

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

Finding yet another new home after the bombing 1945

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

On the Wannsee in Berlin before the war started

The Dark Edge of the Rainbow

Refugees from the Baltic, the first sign of the terrible trouble to come

About Angela Valentine

Artist, writer, world traveller and mother. Art is my life and life is something beautiful. My debut novel The Dark Edge of the Rainbow is available now. Enjoy!